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  • Writer's pictureR.B. Lee

Cleaning Out My Closet (And Other Good Things)

This week, I cleaned out my closet (like, actually cleaned it out. Not in the way Eminem cleaned out his closet.)

It's something I had been wanting to do for at least a year. I keep a large bag full of smaller grocery bags in my closet, and last time I went to put some in, I realized I could barely open it without tons of random items falling out. I couldn't use any of the shelves because they were filled with things I don't use or haven't even looked at in quite some time. My top shelf was piled with old blankets, sheets, and clothes that I no longer need or use. So, I decided that it was time.

It's an extremely gratifying feeling once you finish a project that you have been procrastinating on for so long. Now, my actual room is way less cluttered, and there's way more space for the clothes that I actually wear (yes - I finally put that pile of laundry away that I wrote about last week).

Even my kids were having a great time opening and closing the closet. It's like there's a certain "smoothness" in the way it opens now. I no longer have to struggle or push and pull to get it open. And when it is open it looks clean, organized, and tidy.

This may seem like a small feat to some; but to me, it's a huge accomplishment. The feeling of knowing there's less clutter around me and a cleaner space helps my anxiety go way down, and makes it easier for me to sleep, move, or just go throughout my day in general. (Now if only I could get my kids to actually clean there rooms and keep them clean...Hmmm...)

And, another exciting thing that happened this week: I received my Bachelor's Degree in the mail! Hooray!

Talk about a "good" feeling. No...actually. Great. It's a GREAT feeling.

The fact that I can't attend my graduation has weighed on me a lot. However, receiving that piece of paper in the mail just kind of... "seals" it all in for me. Another accomplishment to help me realize that even though life can be trying and difficult, we can do the things we put our minds too. Whether it takes 2 weeks, 6 months, or 4 1/2 years. It doesn't matter when we did these things or how long it takes us to accomplish them. All that matters is that yes, we did it.

And next up...I will be decorating my graduation cap.

It may seem silly, but I bought the decorations for my cap before quarantine began; before I knew how bad it would all get. The idea I have for my decoration is one I have planned for over a year, and I just feel as though it would be a shame if I didn't follow through with it. Because, I still believe that one day, I WILL walk down that aisle and I WILL be seen for my hard work. After all, Graduation has only been postponed at this point, not fully canceled. So, here's to hoping (and keeping my fingers crossed) that this will blow over and I will receive that email saying, "Reschedule Date for Graduation" from my college. (Or should I say "alma mater"?)

So, with that being said, I will definitely be sure to post a picture once I am finished decorating my cap. My idea is very near and dear to me, so I hope everyone who sees it can appreciate it as much as I do.

And with that...I bid you all farewell for now. And, as always...

Thanks for Reading,

-R.B. Lee

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