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  • Writer's pictureR.B. Lee

When You Make a Promise to Yourself...

Keep it.

Please do.

If you don't, you will end up feeling as though you've failed. You haven't. But you'll feel like you will.

I promise myself things all the time. I say, "I'm going to write more," and then so many things happen and I neglect the thing that makes me happiest (aside from my children, of course). My depression gets in full swing; sometimes, I even start to feel lifeless.

Due to recent events, I think everyone has started to feel lifeless. For many of us, life has been flipped upside down. It's almost as though the whole entire world has been flipped upside down. I know for me, I had so many plans for this year. I finished college, but my graduation has been postponed. Jobs are no longer hiring. My children are out of school. My oldest daughter misses her friends, and my youngest can't go to dance class anymore.

It seems that every day, we hear more and more about how this Coronavirus and COVID-19 is affecting the healthcare workers, EMTs, firemen, and other essential employees and businesses. People are being exposed every day to a potentially deadly disease (depending on how mild your symptoms are, plus other health/high-risk factors). As hard as it is to resist the urge to just go out, I stop myself. I push myself to stay in unless it's absolutely necessary.

We must do our duties to our neighbors; to the elderly; to the immunocompromised; to protect those on the front lines, working extra hours just so we can have medical care or eat. We have to protect each other. We didn't expect COVID-19 to spread like wildfire when the reports first came out in January (at least, that's when I first heard of it), but it did, and it can only get worse if we don't listen to Dr. Fauci, the CDC, and WHO. These organizations are not out to destroy us; it is not some conspiracy to eliminate mankind. They are here to keep us safe and protected, and we can do our part by listening to their recommendations.

Anyway, back to my promise...

I promised myself after Christmas that I would no longer neglect my writing or myself. But after my last blog post, an excess of situations occurred (end of school, my grandfather passed away, and then Coronavirus struck) that caused me to neglect my writing. I wasn't necessarily neglecting myself; as I was still going to the gym (up until they closed), eating healthy, and working on my schoolwork. I've still been writing in my journal. However, I can't stand the fact that I've neglected my blog and website for so long. That's why, this week, I'm making pact: I am going to schedule writings every week. Thankfully I have Excel, and even though I'm not great at it, I still think I know how to use it better than Nelly and Kelly Rowland in the "Dilemma" music video. Basically what I'm saying is...I'm going to create a schedule so I can ensure I'm blogging at least twice a week, on time. Even if I feel that I have nothing to write about.

Scratch that. There's always something to write about.

Thanks for Reading,

-R.B. Lee

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